
Conference themes

- Regenerative Economy, Regenerative Leadership
Human Factor, neuro science and our cognitive biais in the ecological Transition

- Sustainable Development, CSR. Ecological Transition
- Climate
  & Corporate governance
- Circular Economy (Recycling, Waste/Water/energy), preservation of Resources, new economic models)
- Plastic Pollution of the ocean. Carbon footprint. Environmental impact of Digital
- Sustainability trends and Sustainable Finance
- Women Leadership. Enlightened Leadership. New consciousness
- Inner Ecology. Maintaining our inner focus in facing crises
- ...

Each conference is custom made to your needs, depending on the context and the audience:
companies (ExCom, Boards, teams,...), business schools or the general public
Rooms of 1,300 people
as a speaker or as a moderator of round table.

More than sixty conferences since 2016!

Conferences available in Replay:

Vidéo conférence Amélie Rouvin

Quelle place pour la sobriété dans les projets techniques ? Expl. dans les domaines IT, eau, agriculture

Modération de table ronde au Colloque du Project Management Institute
Déc. 2023, au Palais des Congrès de Versailles

(replay pour les participants)

(Replay to come)
Ecological transition of Businesses and personal transition, what links?" at the Climate Coaching Alliance, in solidarity third-place RECHO

Paris, Dec. 2021

Other Conferences:

. Course on the circular economy
at HEC business school, Jan. 2021
. Courses in
CSR Sustainable Development, to IESE Business School of Madrid, Feb. 2018      

. Speech on ecology & leadership at the Green Management School, March 2022

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